Sunday, July 8, 2012

Merry Meet Indeed!

We met the most wonderful woman at the Flea Market yesterday. She noticed the soaps that we sell from KleoKatt (btw here is a link to KleoKatt's blog that is seriously awesome! ) So she recognized her and started talking to us about the other things we were selling. She wore a Goddess pendant and so we started talking about it. She lite up like a light and so did I! She works a farm and sells at the market. And after some wonderful conversation she went on to her booth. But as she was leaving she swung back to us and gave us this gigantic bag of home grown eggplants, tons of different peppers and eggs! It was such a blessing to us. Mind, body and spirit. Of course it will feed our bodies some amazing, healthy food and energy but more than that I have felt isolated by the culture and people in the south recently. I have trouble finding people who are of similar mindset in manners, caring for others, community, healthy eating, living green. And so meeting this amazing woman that so happily gave to us and so easily embraced us was such a joy. You have fed my heart and soul today!

Here are some real, farm fresh eggs compared to a store bought, factory farm egg. What do you put in your body?

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